The story of Sumitra begins with three little boys born into hardship. Together, they worked the fields of their small village of Ulga, Karwar, walked long miles to go to school and even longer miles into the forests for firewood. Day in and day out, they ploughed tirelessly to grow rice, sugarcane, pulses and other seeds. Every night when they returned home, they found great solace and love in the arms of their mother.
But fate had a different plan for them. When they were very young, they lost their mother. Life had been hard before but now they had lost their very source of strength. But, Life, as it does, moved on and times got tougher. The boys had two choices – to keep blaming their destiny or to take responsibility for their own lives. They chose the latter.
They were determined to pull themselves up by the bootstraps. The Eldest became the mantle who supported and provided for the family. The Younger two decided to become entrepreneurs. Their quest took them to the nooks and corners of India, and gradually, they established themselves as pioneers in the agro and aromatics industries. They named their first brand after their mother who was called – SUMITRA.
Today, after 30 years, Sumitra is not just an organization, but a mother in the truest sense, where all her stakeholders are nurtured as her own children. Sumitra’s values are a legacy of their mother’s life and lessons. Today, the Sumitra family has grown exponentially in goodwill as well as in expertise in the food, beverages and aromatics industries. We believe that quality is not something that just happens once. It is a process and we are committed to the process.
With over 50 veteran and young employees and thousands of satisfied customers, we continue to enable businesses across India and internationally. We look forward to welcoming new members with open arms for many years to come. To continue to grow, inspire and nurture the people associated with Sumitra.